Forum Software and Social Collaboration

What is forum software? Forum software is designed for community and collaboration. Forum software allows you to capture and share knowledge, discover new innovative ideas, discover customer support inquiries, all within a social platform. Businesses are fueled by the generated ideas discussions and suggestions that come from their customers and forum software provides a basis

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Customer Relations: Improving the customer experience

Customer relations: Defined Customer relations refers to the process that a company uses to communicate, interact, connect and do business with the buyers or users of their products or services. It involves the management of communications and interactions, so that customer ideas are shared, concerns are addressed and inquires answered. Good customer relations ensure a

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Survey feedback: Benefits and challenges

The importance of survey feedback One of the best ways to tap into customer ideas and gain insight from online customer communities is to simply collect feedback through surveys. Companies that want to know what their customers want, use survey feedback to collect and analyze data that can be used to improve their business processes,

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Customer Intelligence: Understanding your customers

Customer intelligence is more than information Wikipedia defines customer intelligence as “the process of gathering and analysing information regarding customers, their details and their activities, in order to build deeper and more effective customer relationships and improve strategic decision making.” As an integral element of any efficient Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program, customer intelligence provides

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Customer Lifecycle Management

Understanding the customer lifecycle Does your organization focus on product or customer lifecycles? Do you know if your customer touch points are supporting your business goals and strategies? Are you converting prospects into loyal customers who advocate on your behalf? Every organization knows and understands how to manage the life cycles of their products or

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