Kim Chan

Business requirements: Managing them

Challenges in managing business requirements Managing business requirements is important for every company. It is a critical stage within product and service development as it serves to satisfy and retain customers. Managing business requirements can be challenging; misunderstandings can cause the product’s outcome to be the complete opposite of what customers requested. Requirements can change

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Design and innovation: What customers love

For products to stand out from the increasingly competitive and crowded marketplace, good design is critical. Design and innovation go hand-in-hand in the product development world; today’s corporate leaders recognize this and have learned to create innovative products that customers do not necessarily need, but love. In his blog post How Good Designers Think, published

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Business collaboration: Innovate

Business collaboration plays an important role in driving innovation, especially as today’s corporate environment becomes more and more competitive. Today’s leading companies all recognize that innovation is the key to success. In IBM’s recent CEO study, more than three quarters of the 765 chief executive officers queried cited collaboration and partnering as very important to

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Innovation and creativity work together

Question: What is the difference between innovation and creativity? Innovation plays a huge role when it comes to building a stronger and more profitable business. However, many people confuse innovation with creativity. Before we go on, try to answer the question. Is your business being innovative, or simply creative? The Harvard Business Review explains the

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Online collaboration: Communication 2.0

Online collaboration is becoming essential for businesses to adhere to. It organizes and structures the planning and development processes, helps you get input from all stakeholders quicker, and helps get work done more efficiently. If we dig deeper, we can see that online collaboration does much more. Online collaboration turns leadership into innovation To collaborate

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