Agile Development and Product Management

What is agile development? Fierce competition requires quick responses to evolving and changing marketplace trends. In collaboration with the customer and technology representatives, the project manager completes the initial planning while the business analyst defines and prioritizes the solution features. Agile project teams collaborate on the design, development, testing and reworking of each incremental build. […]

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Customer-Driven Product Development

Defining customer-driven product development Customers no longer play a passive role but are now recognized as collaborative partners in the product development process. Today’s fast paced market and fierce competition demand that product development teams have a good understanding of customer needs. A customer-driven framework therefore emphasizes the central role that customers play in the

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Online feedback: Customer participation

Integration of online feedback into the product/service development process Given the substantial benefits to online feedback, why are organizations slow to embrace this way of working? Perhaps they don’t have the expertise or the tools to seek online feedback and then properly integrate it into the product or service development process. Harness the power of

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Feedback software: Improves customer experience

Feedback software – what is it? Feedback software is used by companies to collect ideas, suggestions, and even issues from customers, though the web. In this technological age, companies are increasingly using feedback software in hopes of maximizing customer feedback, and trying to provide a better customer experience. The different types feedback software Many people

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Customer community: Best practices

Customer community: Interacting online Today’s modern web 2.0 driven world is marked by a strong and abundant presence of online customer communities. These groups of like-minded individuals come together and interact online around a brand or a set of product and services. They discuss their needs, customer experiences and suggestions for product or service improvements.

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Satisfaction Management Strategies

What is satisfaction management? As organizations become more customer centric satisfaction management is a process that helps them to measure how well they deliver on customer requirements. Central to the idea of satisfaction management and its measurement is that strong customer relationships promote higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This in turn increases customer

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