Creating New Card Boards & Card Lists

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In your OneDesk account, you may have noticed a view called ‘status board’, which is found in your tasks application. This is a simple view where each task is represented as a card and you can just drag and drop your card from one column to the next to update its status.

You can also do things like add new cards right here and you can edit them by clicking on the edit icon here. You can delete them, copy them and so forth. You can also decide to hide and show status columns, so for example, I’ll turn off reopened. If I want to reorder the entire column, I can do that too. Take note that whenever you change any of the settings such as column order or column visibility, you’ll you’ll be in an ‘unsaved view’. If you navigate away from here, it won’t be saved, but what you can do is click ‘save this view’, give it a name, and save it.

If you’re administrator, you can also share this view and it will be available to everybody else in your organization. It is saved and now you can see I have a new board view saved in ‘my views’. Now when I navigate away, it is saved.

Another thing worth knowing is that you can create card views for more than just status. To do that, click the ‘create new view’. Select a card layout and decide how you’d like to filter it. You can also add groupings to decide how you’re going to columnize your cards.

For example. You can columnize them by priority and then as we save and apply this view, you create a new view where each column represents a priority. Then as we drag and drop a card from one column to the next, it prioritizes it. You can do it for assignees to reassign. You can do it for at the higher level to move entire projects from one status to the next or to move tasks from one project to the next inside of portfolios. There are lots of things you can do with card fees and OneDesk.

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