Catherine Constantinides

Organizational innovation: In’s and out’s

Organizational innovation defined I understand organizational innovation as the ability to identify and implement new, improved or creative methods of operation within the workplace. Relating to products and services, the goal of organizational innovation is introduce new or improved products and services that meet existing and emerging needs of the marketplace. Organizational innovation is essential […]

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Enterprise Collaboration: Going forward

Enterprise collaboration management in 2011 Fully engaging and collaborating with all internal and external stakeholders (including customers, business partners and employees) is becoming increasingly an integral part of the success of an organization, and to the creation of a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Organizations are investing in the latest cutting-edge technologies to implement a

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Social product innovation: Closing the gap

Importance of the social web in social product development We all know the social web has a tremendous impact on product development and has promoted increased collaboration and social engagement within organizations of every size, in every industry. The increase in availability of multiple social channels has put customers in the driver’s seat and dramatically

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Social engagement and NBC’s “The Voice”

Social engagement and the web The social web has had a tremendous impact on product development and has promoted increased collaboration and social engagement within organizations of every size, in every industry. Furthermore, the increase in availability of multiple social channels has dramatically changed the role of the consumer in the decision making process. “The

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Co-innovation: Fostering collaboration

Add co-innovation to your product management lexicon The world of product development has undergone an enormous face-lift and changed some of the most fundamental ways many industries do business. Companies struggling to maintain an advantage in fiercely competitive markets are integrating a co-innovation approach to their product development process. They are implementing new ways to

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Feedback tools: Engage with your customers

Feedback tools enable you to Listen, Engage and Take Action Customer feedback management is a critical component of a successful client building and product development strategies. There are a multitude of methods to capture, analyze, manage and incorporate customer feedback into the product development process including surveys, focus groups, questionnaires, polls, discussion forums, feedback forms

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Stakeholder engagement: Working together

What is stakeholder engagement? “It is difficult to overlook the importance of stakeholders in project and product development processes.” -Erika Roshdi, IMS Consulting Leading edge organizations are quickly recognizing the business benefits that increased stakeholder engagement creates, and have made this concept a prerequisite in their product development strategies. The term “stakeholder engagement” can be

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Product roadmap tools: Guiding organizations

The importance of creating a good product roadmap “A good roadmap is a useful product management tool: it informs the business, guides our tactics, and prevents us from getting distracted.” – Paul Young, Product Beautiful Challenges in developing a product roadmap Like any other business initiative, developing and following a product roadmap presents challenges. For

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