9. Business Solutions Articles – OneDesk Software

Community ideas: Share your ideas and make a difference

In today’s world, it’s important for people to feel connected to each other. To build that connectivity, people form communities. This allows individuals to interact with each other within a common environment. Whether they are religious, political, work-related, or hobby-related, people join communities to have a sense of support, belonging and a place where they […]

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Customer feedback integration: It’s not a choice, ‘it’s a necessity’

The importance of customer feedback Many companies find it difficult to acquire customer feedback in a timely and useful manner. Customer satisfaction surveys and focus groups are used by most companies to develop products, but the data provided is either not actionable customer feedback or there is no process for usable data to be incorporated

Customer feedback integration: It’s not a choice, ‘it’s a necessity’ More

This holiday season, ask for employee feedback and make them feel valued

Employee feedback is just as important as customer feedback Take a moment to think about your employees. Why were they hired? Your employees were most likely hired because of their skills, knowledge and potential to strengthen your organization. Because employees play a huge role in a company’s success, it’s important to gather employee feedback from

This holiday season, ask for employee feedback and make them feel valued More

Creating Customer Loyalty

What is Customer Loyalty? Customer loyalty is the notion that customers are faithful, devoted and attached to specific products and companies that satisfy their needs. Loyalty is generated from attitudes and feelings customer’s associate with a particular product which then guides buying behaviors such as re-purchasing and advertising a product to others through word-of-mouth. Building

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Overcoming the Obstacles of the Feedback Letter

You surely know by now that customer satisfaction is they key to a successful business. Companies have long wrote feedback letters to customers, asking them to send in a feedback letter with their thoughts and ideas. However, feedback letters often go like these: Sending a typical, boring feedback letter to customers Dear (customer), We cordially

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A User Driven Approach To Product Development

What is user driven content? User driven content is information that has been heavily influenced by the opinions, thoughts and ideas of individuals. The notion is that customers are no longer spectators but collaborative partners in business development. Today, customers are more empowered then ever as they actively initiate conversations, shape and manage the flow

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What do your customers think? Ask for feedback!

Ask for feedback on a continuous basis Do you regularly ask for feedback from your customers regarding product suggestions, preferences, likes and dislikes? Do you ask for feedback about the customer’s experience? Systematically asking for feedback, carefully analyzing and turning it into actionable insights, allows you to improve the overall customer experience, and develop products

What do your customers think? Ask for feedback! More

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