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Dynamische Eigenschaften

OneDesk ermöglicht die Verwendung dynamischer Eigenschaften, um relevante Informationen in eine Nachricht einzufügen, je nachdem, woran sie angehängt ist. Darauf kann derzeit über gespeicherte Antworten und E-Mail-Vorlagen zugegriffen werden. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, Informationen über das Ticket, die Aufgabe oder das Projekt abzurufen und in eine Konversation, Nachricht oder E-Mail einzufügen.

Dynamische Eigenschaften für Elemente

Diese Tabelle zeigt alle dynamischen Eigenschaften für Artikel:

Item PropertyProperty Definition
idThe ID of the item
typeThe type of the item
item nameThe name of the item
descriptionThe description of the item
truncated description (text only)The shortened description of the item
portfolio namesThe names of the portfolios which the item belongs to
attachementLinksInserts the URL of the attachment for download
projectThe project which the item belongs to
lifecycle statusThe lifecycle status of the item
priorityThe priority level of the item
% completeThe percentage completion of the item
organization uriThe oraganization's unique account identifier
assignee(s)The item's assignee(s)
authorThe item's creator
requester(s)The item's requester(s)
follower(s)The items's follower(s)
customer requester OrganizationsThe item requester's organization
administrator nameThe name of the administrator
all conversationsInserts all conversations attached to the item
latest messageInserts the latest message posted in a conversation attached to the item
planned workThe item's planned work
actual workThe item's actual work
planned costThe item's planned cost
actual costThe item's actual cost
planned durationThe item's planned duration
scheduled start dateThe item's scheduled start date
actual start dateThe item's actual start date
scheduled finish dateThe item's scheduled finish date
actual finish dateThe item's actual finish date
created dateThe item's creation date
URL of item in OneDesk main applicaionThe URL of the item detail panel in
Requester Satisfaction Survey URLThe URL of the item's requester satisfaction survey
Recent RequesterThe item's recent requester
time until SLA breachThe item's time until SLA breach
SLA breach timeThe item's SLA breach time
SLA nameThe item's attached SLA
SLA breaching metricThe item's SLA breaching metric
successorsThe item's successors in the gantt chart
predecessorsThe item's predecessors in the gantt chart
linked itemsThe item's linked items
total costThe item's total cost of all input timesheets
URL of item on PortalThe URL of the item on the portal
URL of item on KnowledgebaseThe URL of the item on the knowledgebase

Dynamische Eigenschaften für Projekte

Diese Tabelle zeigt alle dynamischen Eigenschaften für Projekte:

Project PropertyProperty Definition
idThe ID of the project
nameThe name of the project
typeThe type of the project
portfolio namesThe names of the portfolios which the project belongs to
portfolio typesThe types of portfolios which the project belongs to
lifecycle statusThe lifecycle status of the project
all conversationsInserts all conversations attached to the project
latest messageInserts the latest message posted in a conversation attached to the project
descriptionThe description of the project
truncated descriptionThe shortened description of the project
attachmentsInserts the URL of the attachment for download
agile capacityThe points capacity of the project
total pointsThe total points currently allocated to the project
visibility typeThe visibility of the project; either private or discoverable by other users
follower usersThe followers of the project who are users
follower customersThe followers of the project who are customers
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