What’s New? OneDesk Release December 2022

OneDesk’s latest release is here! The December new features and enhancements.

Big Changes to Email

Easily Connect your Office 365 or Gmail email accounts

It is easier than ever to connect your Office 365 or Gmail / Workspace email accounts. Simply connect with oAuth (O365) or create an app password (Gmail) and you are done. You can even connect multiple email addresses.  Connect your support inbox by going to Administration -> Emails -> Settings.

Capture Incoming Ticket Queues using IMAP, and SMTP for Outgoing

Once connected, OneDesk establishes an IMAP and SMTP connection with your O365 or Gmail account, allowing you to capture new tickets automatically and reply by that same email as well.

Even better, this provides a QUEUE that you can use to automatically route the new tickets inside OneDesk: set the type (ticket, task, issue, etc.), assign (to a user or team), to place in the correct project, and much more. 

Some notes:

Automatically reply from the correct outbox

if you connect multiple emails, or auto-forward to multiple queues, you can tell OneDesk which email to use to reply. Simply map the incoming queue to the outgoing email you wish OneDesk to use. By default OneDesk will map to the same outgoing as incoming.

Improved filtering tools for both incoming and outgoing email

OneDesk tries to give you as much control over your emails as possible. To that effect we have added a few more filtering options for both your incoming and outgoing emails:

Automatic Time Tracking

If tracking time takes too much effort or is too prone to human error, OneDesk has some new features to make it streamlined. When you set a User’s Timesheets permission to “Timer Access Only”, logging their work becomes automatic. When they click ‘Start’ on a task the timer starts; when they click ‘Stop’ the timer stops and the timesheet is created automatically and silently. 

Set timer access from a user’s permissions accessible in the Users app on the left side bar. And configure your timer options and defaults in Administration -> Timesheets.

New Notification Options

You now have more control over what you are notified about and how you are notified. 

Configure your notification setting from your user profile. Located in the top right corner or the Users Application on the left side bar.

Other Features and Enhancements

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