

Keep updated on what matters. 

Stay on track with notifications
OneDesk notifies you about the things you want to keep informed on, be it a conversation, ticket, task, or project update. This happens through various notifications settings, which you can customise to your needs. Here are some benefits:

Control who gets notified about what

OneDesk empowers you to choose who needs to be notified about what. Ensure that your users are made aware of what is most important to them, such as:

  • Customer support are notified on new tickets being created
  • Internal users are notified on new tasks assigned to them
  • Customers are notified on status changes and comments on their tickets
  • Project Managers are notified on when tasks are finished

In-app notifications

OneDesk notifies you of new messages in the application through visual and audio cues. There is a blinking tab and a ping when something requires your attention and a green bubble above the messenger app indicates the number of unread messages.

Email notifications

OneDesk notifies you no matter what communication application you are using. If you are not active inside the OneDesk application, all notifications are sent out via email so that you can stay informed without being signed in.

Push notifications

Use the OneDesk mobile app to get notified on your phone. Push notifications let you know when you are assigned a ticket or task and about new messages.

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Notifications & Emails

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Direct messaging between users in OneDesk

In OneDesk, you can have conversations by adding messages to tickets and tasks. When you do this, the followers of those items will get your ...
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Configuring your user notification preferences

When you get new tickets, a customer starts a conversation, or a co-worker adds a comment to a task, you may need to be informed. ...
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