

Divide complex tasks or tickets into smaller, manageable subtasks. Here are some of the features and benefits of using subtasks.

Full-featured subtasks

Subtasks are full-featured tasks with the full power of regular tasks. This means subtasks can be assigned, prioritized, moved, and worked on independently.  This functionality opens possibilities to your work. 

Easily divide work

By using subtasks, a more demanding task can be tackled by multiple team members who can work on the individual parts that they are better suited for. Assign individual users to the subtasks to complete large tasks more efficiently.

help desk management automations

Create a unique ticket-to-task workflow

OneDesk allows you to create subtasks from a ticket. This way, a support ticket can have one or more subtasks that each need to be completed in order to resolve that ticket. Subtasks are full-featured, meaning that they can be assigned, managed, and worked on independently from the ticket. 

Break down a large task into subtasks

OneDesk lets you break down large tasks into smaller subtasks. This lets you divide the steps needed to complete the main task while also allowing you to manage those individual subtasks separately. The subtasks are linked to the main task but maintain their own properties. 

Monitor work on a more granular level

Subtasks have their own lifecycle statuses. This allows you to monitor the progression of work on the main task on a more detailed level. Instead of a single status, you get unique statuses for every subtask related to the main task at hand and you are able to see what needs attention.

Subtask roll-up options

Subtasks roll-up refers to how your subtasks’ status or completion percentage interacts with their parent task’s status or completion. These options allow you to customize how your subtasks work based on the needs of your company. For example, set it up so that when the subtasks are complete so is the parent task. Or set it up so that the subtasks do not change the parent at all.

Use subtickets or subtasks

OneDesk’s solution is flexible and customizable. You have the option to use subtickets, subtasks, or both! Subtickets give you the same full features of regular tickets. 

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