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When Helpdesk meets Project Management

Helpdesk project management

Photo: “Hearts” / Michell Zappa / CC BY

When Helpdesk meets Project Management

Project management and Helpdesk services, two key components of any business, rarely interact as many times as they should. It’s more often than not left to the manual labour of individuals within separate departments.

This results in a flurry of poorly communicated reports, painfully inputted data across multiple platforms, and many, many meetings.

This is no way to run a successful business, but is still too common to this day.

Here’s a couple of good reasons why you should marry your Helpdesk to your Project Management software and wish them endless happiness for many years to come!

4. Way less meetings! Yay!

For those to whom this statement seems like an aberration of life. Relax. Less meetings doesn’t mean anarchy and free-for-all for all your workers and colleagues.

What we mean is that you can spend more time in constant communication with all the important people. If you all are aware of what is happening at all times, then you don’t need to host redundant discussions about it anymore.

No longer does your support team need to trek through wastelands and vast oceans to bring bugs and issues to your engineering team. And vice-versa with new features and resolved bugs!

You can dedicate that newfound time to better your organisation through more collaborative initiatives, training, fun retreats in the mountains, the possibilities are endless!

3. A more centralised workflow

Fusing these two software tools through a good unified platform where all the data is in sight of everyone is not only a great time saver. Your new centralised platform will allow you to have a unified and very clear workflow where all teams and departments feel strongly linked to each other. This new and profound understanding of your business by your agents and personnel will only improve teamwork and collaboration between them.

Your work items change types seamlessly as they progress through the organisation. A support ticket becomes a bug, which goes to the project teams and is there resolved, leading to a closing of your original ticket. The cycle of life.

Suddenly you’ll watch teams that never thought their work had anything to do with each other work in unison on outstanding issues and projects and be much more effective for it.

2. The joy of custom automations

This is the cherry on top. With a unified platform and a centralised workflow comes perks; In this case the ability to customise things further. You can now establish complex tasks and automations that will simplify your work and that of your colleagues.

This was also possible through the previous format of having Helpdesk and project management separate from each other, but you could only really work with basic if this then that formulas across loosely interconnected platforms.

Now you can truly let loose: customise to your heart’s content. Issues, tickets, tasks, work items, all these terms can be changed from one department to another. Using simple strings of actions that can happen without anyone having to manually do anything at all, you can now create, assign, change types, and re-assign automatically following particular triggers and events you want.

1. Help minimise the human factor

So, you’ve successfully married your helpdesk to your project management system, used the free time you gained to go skiing with your teams, everybody is now best friends forever, and the program runs all the menial tasks by itself. Surely there can’t be anymore reasons why this is a great idea?

This is more of a bonus round to be honest, but it happens at all the levels mentioned earlier so it’s worth going over.

Your main issue when dealing with complex office systems is people. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with them, they all work well and you hired them for a reason. There is, however, a small human error factor in every decision they each take daily.

Merging your Helpdesk with project management eliminates manual data porting, arbitrary department divisions and augments the potential for automating complex actions. All this cuts down the risks for mistakes and the it’s-not-my-problem attitude which so often plague workplaces that haven’t yet made this transition.

So there you have it, four very strong reasons why you should be on this as of right now!

It’s easy to start too, we have a platform that does just that. Book a demo with us and we’ll make sure this first date between your departments is movie-perfect!

Photo Credit: “Hearts” / Michell Zappa / CC BY

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