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How to plan a project and deliver results

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How to plan a project

There’s always room for J-E-L-L-O. Or, in the case of project management, adjustments. Do not be fooled by the perfect project plans and deadlines you have so carefully created. The golden rule in project management is that anything can happen, that can completely change your original plans at a moment’s notice. Effectively planning and executing a project is great, but having a contingency plan is even greater. Your contingency plan will be the difference between a train that has gone slightly changed its course and well, a completely derailed mess.

Note: Project team members may have different approaches on how to plan a project. You may also find individual preferences in the way they chose to communicate. Identifying these different methods of communications and strategies will enable you to determine the right tools for your team (i.e using software versus daily stand-up meetings…or some combination of the two!)

I will leave you with a motivating quote from Denis Waitley:

“Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.” (Source:

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