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Improve Customer Service in Three Steps

Strengthen your business – improve customer service

At OneDesk, our goal is to make your job easier and help you strengthen your business. We believe any business can become highly successful, providing that they use the right tactics. So, what is the trick to building a stronger business? Lucky for you, it’s not much of a trick. The reason your business is still standing is because of your customers. We cannot stress enough about how important it is to keep your customers satisfied and wanting to come back for more. According to Lee Resource Inc, 91% of unhappy customers will not do business with your organization again. Therefore, if your business is not as successful as you think it should be, you simply need to sit down and figure out how you can improve customer service.

How to improve customer service

If you want to improve customer service, you need confidence in yourself and your merchandise with clear goals and knowledge of the products you are selling. Only then can you inspire dedication from your staff and a willingness to buy from customers (as stated in an article on In today’s tough economy, you also need to realize that in order to improve customer service, you need to go beyond aiming for customer satisfaction and strive to provide the best customer experience.

Listen. Engage. Take Action and improve customer service with

In our quest to help you find a means to improve customer service and even take it one step further to provide the ultimate customer experience, we came up with an easy solution.

1. Listen to your customers
It’s logical – your customers are the ones who use your product or service the most, so they are the ones who know best about what is good about it, and what needs to be worked on. You can listen to customers and find out what they think about your product or service by conducting surveys or focus groups. makes this step easy by providing an online customer feedback application which you can invite your customers to submit feedback to, and even embed it in your website.

2. Engage your customers
That is, interact with your customers and show that you care about them. If you were a customer and took a time to complete a feedback survey, wouldn’t it be great to know whether it has been read and whether your feedback will be taken into account? helps you engage with your customers and develop relationships with them. If a feedback is unclear, you can use one of the social collaboration tools such as a discussion forum, and show your customers that you are doing all you can to understand their needs. One useful feature is that you can keep your customers updated on their feedback’s status.

3. Take action on their feedback
While most businesses often take the time to conduct surveys and find out what customers want, most often, the process ends there. With busy schedules, customer feedback is often put aside and take a long time to or even, never, get implemented. This gives customers the impression that your company does not care about their needs. OneDesk makes it easier for companies to organize customer feedback. Simply collect the feedback and immediately classify them, turn them into tasks, and assign them to the appropriate person to work on them. It puts the whole team on the same page, and with everyone collaborating, you will be able to “take action,” improve customer service, and most certainly, provide the customer experience and the product your customers want.

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