Innovation Platforms: Enhance development


What are innovation platforms

Innovation platforms are “spaces” that enable individuals and organizations to come together to address issues of mutual concern and interest.

As companies realize that collaborative product development and R&D strategies open doors to innovation, which is the key to outperforming competitors, innovation platforms are increasingly gaining popularity in the enterprise world.


A brief history of innovation platforms

The basic idea of innovation platforms was developed by the Technology Strategy Board in 2005. It built on their desire to use a larger number of government “levers” to encourage and support innovative activity by UK companies. They realized that the various Government departments had programs to address the various societal problems and that those programs, made up of procurement, regulation, standards and fiscal measure, all controlled what a future market would be. If businesses could be made aware of how that particular market would evolve over the next 3-7 years, they could develop new products and services to answer the challenge being addressed. (Source article can be found here.)


Advantages of innovation platforms


Using OneDesk as an innovation platform

innovation platform


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