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Market Penetration Projection the Google Way

google plus

Yesterday, Google released the news that they had hit their 62 millionth registered Google Plus user. Along with this came some impressive statistics pertaining to their projections– and that’s an understatement. As statistician Paul Allen (not to be confused with the Microsoft Co-Founder of the same name) states in his google blog:

“Based on the accelerated growth I’m seeing and all the dials and levers Google can still utilize, and the developer ecosystem that will be developed, I predict that 2012 is going to be a breakout year for Google+ and that it will end next year with more than 400 million users.”

Talk about market penetration!

Now, your company may not be at Google’s level yet; you may never want it to be. The fact of the matter is Google has to be given credence for the level of success their metrics pertaining to market penetration have achieved. They could never have such a confident projection if there wasn’t the data to back it up. Undoubtedly, Google must set metrics for the requirements they put in place measuring against popularity, organization goals and roadmap, customer satisfaction, and your shining gold metric: cost/benefit.>

Knowing how to use metrics is one thing, but being able to measure each analysis against the others to prioritize what your company’s next step is going to be according to market penetration is a dizzying proposal. That’s why it helps to have a global score analysis of all of the above mentioned metrics.

Using OneDesk, not only can you attain solid feedback from customer’s to feed into your requirements base, you can analyze which exact requirements will satisfy your market AND your company and help eventually bring you to Google’s position on the playing field of market penetration.

Related Links:
Google+ Growth Accelerating by Paul Allen

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