New August 2023

The August 2023 release of OneDesk is now live! In this release the team has added a variety of usability enhancements and useful new features.

Project Templates

OneDesk has always had the ability to create projects and to clone them if copies are needed, however more advanced project templating has been added.

Additional Features for Professional Service Automation

Many of our customers serve their own customers by performing services for them (projects), supporting them (help desk) and billing them for their work (invoicing). To that end, we have added additional features to make their work easier, and there is a lot more to come.

Simplified Navigation for Archived / Deleted / Not Shared Projects

Projects that are archived or scheduled for deletion can now be more easily located from the ‘Project Selector’ menu in the top left. Now when navigating through these projects, you can switch between:

“Reply above this line” is editable/translatable

By popular demand, admins can modify the delimiter that is included in emails to indicate where responders should type their replies. This will allow this line to be changed, translated into a different language, or reduced to the mandatory delimiting symbols.

Modify the delimiter from Administration >> Emails >> Appearance.

Performance improvements for inactive tab

We also reduced the time required when re-awakening OneDesk within an inactive browser tab. If you have OneDesk open in the background in a chrome tab, chrome will aggressively unload it from memory. When you re-activate the tab, OneDesk syncs any updates required, and this can often take a few seconds. With this release we have optimized this allowing OneDesk to wake up faster.

In this release we added additional KPIs and navigational links on the customer organization detail panel. Now you can easily navigate to filtered views of items related to that Customer Org for :

Other Enhancements

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