The OneDesk Video Guide

New to OneDesk? Get started here

01. Fundamentals

Using OneDesk for the first time? Start here and learn the basics of using and setting up your account.

02. Tickets

Learn about the features for creating, using, and managing tickets.

03. Tasks

Learn about the features for creating, using, and managing tasks.

04. Projects

Learning about creating, planning, and managing projects.

05. Email Management

Learn about managing incoming and outgoing emails, configuring email settings and appearance.

06. Work Views

Learn about how to configure and use your work.

07. Users & Teams

Learn about user teams, how to share and collaborate, as well as manage users and permissions.

08. Customers & Customer Organizations

Learn about customer management, including how to create customers, and manage customer information.

09. Customer Apps

Learn about the various applications that help your customers communicate, stay informed, and submit items.

10. Analytics & Reporting

A collection of videos to get you started using OneDesk's analytics.

11. Automations

Learn how to save time with powerful workflow automations, automated replies and more

12. Integrations

A collection of videos to get you started using OneDesk's integrations.

13. Time Tracking & Financials

Learn about tracking time on work, managing your budget, and using invoicing features.

14. Account & Administration

Learn about the configurations, account settings, company preferences in your account.

15. How OneDesk can help your business

Short videos describing how OneDesk can help your business.

16. OneDesk for Different Industries

A collection of videos on how OneDesk can be used in your industry.

17. Webinars

In-depth videos on setting up or using OneDesk.

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