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Project Management Quotes that Will Entertain You


Ask any project manager about their job, and they will most likely ramble on about how busy they are and the many responsibilities they need to stay abreast of.

Project management is about mastering the art of getting things done. Project managers spend many hours keeping their teams together, making sure that all deadlines are being met, that all projects stay within budget, essentially, acting as the “glue” between all departments and putting out fires.

Having learned and experienced many things, both good and bad, project managers often try to pass on their learnings and inspire others.

In light of this, we thought we would share our favorite project management quotes. We are sure that some of these will surely inspire you, while others will make you laugh.

10 Project Management Quotes We Love

“Why do so many professionals say they are project managing, when what they are actually doing is fire fighting?”
— Colin Bentley

“Trying to manage a project without project management is like trying to play a football game without a game plan.”
— K. Tate

“Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is coordinating the talents of those who work for us and pointing them towards a certain goal.”
— Walt Disney

“If it wasn’t for the ‘last minute’, nothing would get done.”
— Unknown

“Warning: dates in the calendar are closer than you think.”
— Unknown

“A project without a critical path is like a ship without a rudder.”
— D. Meyer, Illinois Construction Law

“Project management is like juggling three balls – time, cost and quality. Program management is like a troupe of circus performers standing in a circle, each juggling-three balls and swapping balls from time to time.”
— G. Reiss

“A good plan can help with risk analyses but it will never guarantee the smooth running of the project.”
— Bentley and Borman

“PMs are the most creative pros in the world; we have to figure out everything that could go wrong, before it does.”
— Fredrik Haren

“If, on your team, everyone’s input is not encouraged, valued, and welcome, why call it a team?”
— Woody Williams

Got any favorite project management quotes? Share them with us!

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