Assignment Tracking Software

Assignment Tracking Software

Looking for an assignment tracking software to help you easily organize and manage tasks and projects? With OneDesk, you can plan, assign, and collaborate on work, all from one place.

What is assignment tracking software?

Assignment tracking software is a tool organizations use to cohesively organize and complete their tasks and projects. Features typically include the ability to assign tasks to individuals or teams, built-in collaboration, time tracking, and task scheduling.  The term assignment tracking software is related to and often used interchangeably with task or project management software. A software like OneDesk can help teams be more organized and efficient. 

Key benefits of assignment tracking software

Centralize tasks

Delegate and prioritize all your tasks in one place. Never lose track or forget an assignment again.

Track progress

View the status of a task or project at a glance. Monitor workload and time spent on tasks in real-time.

Easy collaboration

Follow a task's progress, share files, and communicate with in-context messaging.

Stay on schedule

Set due dates and reminders. Manage complex projects with dependencies and subtasks.

Features of OneDesk for assignment management

task details view

Know who is responsible for each task

Assignment tracking software means you can easily monitor and track what work is being done by you and your team members. Project managers have the ability to assign various tasks to individuals or whole teams. In each case, those individuals are responsible for completing the work that has been assigned to them. From your dashboard or the task details, you know at a glance who is responsible for a task or project. 

Work assignment software that works with you

OneDesk’s assignment tracking software offers multiple work views to make assigning, organizing, and tracking tasks easier. Utilize a Kanban board, Gantt chart, a list, tree, or calendar to view your tasks. You can also add filters and groupings to your tasks in a way that fits your needs. Your custom views can be saved and switched between in seconds.  

Team assignment collaboration

With assignment tracking software it is easy to tell which teammates are working on a task. It is also easy to collaborate on tasks. OneDesk offers built-in messaging. Conversations can be linked to a task so you can communicate directly next to a task’s details, allowing everyone to stay in-context. Add a teammate to a conversation to communicate in real-time. When you tag a teammate they become a follower of the task. Followers of a task stay notified on changes to a task’s progress. 

Automated task assignment software

OneDesk offers versatile workflow automations. You can set up automations to cut down on repetition or to notify your team. Here are a few examples of popular automations:

  • Assign tasks
  • Send email notifications
  • Create a project
  • Change a task priority
  • Update a project status
  • And much more!


Stay on track with task scheduling

OneDesk’s assignment management software offers full-lifecycle project management. You can plan and schedule tasks or projects. Manage complex projects with subtasks, task dependencies, task scoring, and linked relationships. 

Log time and monitor workload

Use timers and timesheets to log the billable or non-billable time spent on tasks and projects. Logging time dynamically updates the ‘actual’ work on tasks, allowing managers to see how plans are progressing. OneDesk’s work assignment software also provides many real-time KPI charts and graphs to make data-driven decisions. 

Benefits of OneDesk assignment tracking software

Streamline your work

There are many benefits to having assignment tracking software including:

  • Adjust work schedules and manage deadlines
  • Traceable workflows
  • The ability to manage all tasks using one platform
  • Share workload amongst team members

Assignment tracking software is made easy in OneDesk with clear identification of who is responsible for each task, and how much work they have completed in the respective task.

Assignment tracking from anywhere

Having an assignment management app means you can access your assignments from any location, at any time. OneDesk even provides a mobile app and mobile-friendly browser access. This feature is especially great for remote teams or those who work out on sites. Furthermore, an assignment management app means you can have all your tasks in one organized platform. In turn, this eliminates losing sight of what tasks have yet to be completed.

Start assigning and tracking tasks and projects today

See for yourself how OneDesk can streamline task and project management. Sign up below for a free 14-day trial and get started in minutes. No credit card required. 

Frequently asked questions about assignment management software

If you are a manager or business owner looking to better utilize your team's time, an assignment tracking software can be the solution. The software allows your team to view their tasks, know which tasks are high priority, and collaborate with teammates, all from one place. Therefore, less time is spent figuring out what to do and more time completing work. 

Any business that needs to track or organize their work can benefit from assignment tracking software. OneDesk is a configurable tool so many industries have implemented it into their workflow, including marketing agencies, IT services, and healthcare providers. 

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