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Task management technique: Setting start and end dates

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Task management with OneDesk: How to set project start and end dates

These days, more and more organizations are turning to web-based task management applications in order to save time working on various aspect of task management, including setting or modifying project dates.

OneDesk’s task management system allows you to set start and end dates for individual tasks, issues, or for an entire project.

This short video allows you to see how easy it is to use OneDesk’s task management application to set the start and end dates for all tasks and issues in the same project. An added bonus is that the collaborative nature of OneDesk allows the entire team to be on the same page, thus as soon as a project date is set or modified, the everyone who is working on the project will immediately be notified.

Got a question about task management with OneDesk? Leave a comment below, or email us at hello(at)onedesk(dot)com.

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