User portals: Insight for the product naming process

If you don’t know where to search for them, finding great ideas for a product name can be almost as impossible as looking for a needle in a haystack. The most important thing to remember is that your product name has to fully embody and represent what it is you are trying to sell or promote. Therefore the naming process should begin with an in-depth analysis and understanding of your target audience, their needs wants and behavioral patterns. It should also include vital information about other potential competitors in that industry.

Secondly, it needs to resonate with your target audience. More than ever, customers have taken center stage in the decision making process and expect to be closely involved in the development of new products and services. So, it goes without saying that you should source feedback from your customers on a continual basis.

Source great product ideas from user portals

Online user portals are a great way to get feedback directly from your target audience in question. OneDesk’s customer portal allows you to set up polls to get quick answers to your product related questions. Customers can also submit any feedback, ideas, support requests and questions they may have.

user portals

Starbucks asks customer to rename their coffee

What’s in a name? Ask Starbucks. For years, they have been listening to their faithful coffee drinking customer community through user portals for ideas for everything from new product names to new ideas for flavours. Their most recent campaign, asks customers to submit ideas for the renaming of their popular Blonde Roast coffee. With customer-centric campaigns like these, It is evident that Starbucks CEO, Howard Shultz is fully aware of the importance of involving customers in the product development process.

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