Importing Tickets and Tasks


I’m going to show you how to import existing tickets/tasks into your OneDesk. 

Before importing, note, In many cases it is not even necessary to import your old tickets and customers. Unless they are being actively worked on, as this can serve to clutter your new account. Remember OneDesk will create new tickets and customer records automatically as new emails arrive.

This type of import supports CSV, mmp, mpt files

When importing, It is not necessary to have column titles in your import file, as mapping of column properties to appropriate fields is done easily through dropdown lists in your OneDesk. 

Import options are centralized under the Tools tab in the header, So To begin, Click Tools on the top bar and Select Import

Next select Tickets/Tasks

Upload the csv file you wish to import.

Next, map the columns to the appropriate fields by selecting the field name from the dropdown menus. For example my item name here will map to the name field, description and so on.. 

An item name is a required property in order to import. Other properties are optional but include: description, priority, planned work, constraint type, customer first/last name, customer email, customer organization, assignee first/last name, assignee email. If you have data that does not easily map to default fields, create a custom field before importing by clicking configure custom fields, create the custom fields that I’m looking for.  For more information please see our blog or video guide 

It is important to note that if you wish to import old tickets/tasks and would like them to be assigned to the correct user (as assignee), or corresponding customer (as requester), then ensure that you have that user or customer record created in OneDesk first. OneDesk will then link them using the email address as the key.  If the user is not already added and doesn’t exist, OneDesk will create a customer/user if an email address is included in your import file within the assignee or requester columns

When finished, click import. 

You are now done importing. You may close the notification window and the import will continue in the background while you work. It may take a few minutes to complete the import if you have a large file. 

Note that The imported tickets/tasks will be contained in a project named after your import file. 

It’s a good idea to Import one or two records first to make sure that you have done the correct mapping and included all properties before importing all your records.

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