Integrate with QuickBooks Online

The OneDesk and QuickBooks Online integration allows you to cut back on double data entry and get the benefits of OneDesk’s time tracking and project management with QuickBooks’ accounting features.

The integration allows you to copy your OneDesk invoices to QuickBooks Online or you can send invoices to customers from within OneDesk directly with QuickBooks Online. When you send this way, payments made to QuickBooks Online are synced to OneDesk invoices.

This video will cover how to integrate and how the integration works.

To connect your OneDesk account to QuickBooks, In OneDesk, go to Administration > Financials. Scroll down and click on ‘Connect to QuickBooks Online.’

Login to your QBO account and click Authorize.

Connecting to QuickBooks Online will reveal new settings, including the default income account. For certain countries you can select a tax code.

Choose a default income account for new service types.

Service type is necessary for the QuickBooks integration and will appear on line items.

The Service types in OneDesk correspond to Product/Service items in QuickBooks Online.

OneDesk will try to match service types to the QBO Product/Service.

This default income account will be used if a new service type is created in OneDesk, that does not exist or is not already linked to an income account in your QuickBooks Online account.

Service types in OneDesk can be found under your timesheets settings here. if you want OneDesk service types to be mapped to your QuickBooks Product and Services, the service type entered here must match exactly to the product and services in QBO

Once connected, any OneDesk invoices that are in the ‘Open’ status will have a new option: Called ‘Copy to QuickBooks Online’.

Again this appears on invoices in the Open status.

In addition, once connected, ‘Send invoice’ will now sync invoices with QuickBooks Online AND send to customers directly via QuickBooks.

The invoice is sent directly to the customer via QBO and NOT Onedesk.

In other words the invoice’s appearance will correspond to your QBO invoices.

Your Customer Organization should match to the ‘Customer Display Name’ in QuickBooks Online.

Otherwise a new customer will be created in QuickBooks.

Now that we’re connected and I’ve explained the basics, let’s copy over an invoice.

The option will appear in the action menu and at the bottom of the invoice detail panel.

Invoices are copied over to QuickBooks Online, not sent to a customer.

The tag at the top will display copied to QuickBooks when successful.

If you move the invoice back to draft and make changes you can press copy again in order to re-sync the changes.

Let’s head to our QuickBooks Online account now.

You will find copied invoices under Sales and Invoices.

Here is our invoice with our task or ticket names as line items.

Our service types once again match the product or services here in QBO.

Let’s head back to OneDesk and this time we will send an invoice directly from OneDesk using QuickBooks.

When you connect to QuickBooks Online, sending an invoice in OneDesk will both copy the invoice to QBO and send it directly to the customer.

When you send, it is QBO sending the invoice, not OneDesk.

As such, your styling and payment configurations will correspond to those set in your QBO account.

You should add the billing contact email in OneDesk before sending with QBO, even if the customer has a contact email in QBO.

The contact email must be set in OneDesk or the invoice will only be copied to QBO and not sent to the customer.

Add a billing contact information from Customer Organization > Invoice Preferences tab.

Ok, let’s send the invoice.

Now let’s go view what it would look like from the perspective of the customer.

If you have any questions, check out our knowledgebase or reach out to support via live chat or



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