OneDesk – Getting Started: Email Appearance Customization


In OneDesk, you have control over the appearance of your emails. You can customize the email header and signature, and set a color scheme that matches your company branding.

These preferences can be set up in your Administrative settings. Click on More Applications in the bottom, select Administration, and Emails. From the tabs at the top, click on Appearance Settings. Here, you can find your customization options.

You can set and design an email header and signature. You are able to add images or links and format them.

You can also add colors to your email background and the replies and add reply settings. Under the reply settings, you can set no reply and reply email addresses from which all outgoing emails will be sent.

You can also add a list of emails that should never be added as followers of a ticket or task. This can help prevent email loops when those accounts automatically forward or CC other addresses. Best practice is to add any non-user addresses here such as support emails or distribution lists.

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